
Machine learning governance

The ability of machine learning models to read great quantities of unstructured data, spot patterns and translate it into actionable information is driving a significant uptake in the technology. David Asermely, SAS MRM global lead, highlights the need…

Making technology count in a C/ETRM world

As businesses grow, so does their need for modern, agile and cost-effective commodity/energy trading risk management (C/ETRM) solutions. Pioneer Solutions explores how its next-generation, highly configurable C/ETRM systems take advantage of the latest…

Keeping up with cloud adoption convened a webinar in collaboration with Murex to explore how, as more financial institutions move to the cloud, they can get the most out of their technology investments

Embracing the sea change to come with FRTB

Firms have until 2021 to implement FRTB, and those yet to begin compliance efforts risk putting themselves at a disadvantage. EY‘s financial services risk partners Shaun Abueita and Sonja Koerner explore the current level of readiness within the industry…