Asset management

The White stuff

JW Advisors was established earlier this year by Joseph White, one of a growing number of intermediaries leaving investment banks to go independent. Now White is constructing credit diversified portfolios for institutional clients, who are reaping the…

Firm or flexible?

Fonchim, Italy's largest occupational pension scheme, has been spared the worst of the fallout from the credit crunch thanks to tough investment laws. But the question over whether to loosen asset restrictions may be back on the table. Blake Evans…

Asia Risk institutional survey 2009

Institutional investors in Asia have endured a tough year marked by steep losses, high volatility and concerns about counterparty risk. But their need for quality service on a local level has never been stronger. Deutsche Bank topped Asia Risk's…

Risk institutional investor rankings 2009

Dealer bankruptcies, government intervention, unprecedented volatility and a dearth of liquidity have made the past 12 months among the most challenging for institutional investors. In this difficult environment, investors have voted Goldman Sachs the…

A capital lifeline?

Guaranteeing investors' capital with your own bonds has always been a convenient way for banks to borrow money from investors at the same time as offering them a cut in the upside of the chosen underlying in a structured note. Such fundraising is often…

Holding counterparty risk at arm’s length

Exchange-traded funds have been as exposed to talk of counterparty risk as the next structured product, although the risk is lower. Under the European Union's Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities III regulations, ETFs are…