Credit default swaps

Breath of Liffe

Amid fierce competition and regulatory scrutiny, the combined initiative by derivatives exchange Liffe and clearing house LCH.Clearnet for clearing credit default swaps was launched on December 22. Will the two companies have a first-mover advantage? By…

Euro Libor falls on ECB rate cut

Three month euro Libor dropped 20bp over the week to 2.45% today from 2.65% on Monday, January 12, following Thursday's 0.5% cut in interest rates by the European Central Bank, while sterling and dollar Libor remained stable.

The next regulatory era

Market turmoil and political pressure are forcing the US CFTC to consider implementing new derivatives regulation or face potentially draconian rules imposed by Congress, write Gregory Mocek and Athena Velie

CDSs tighten on insurers

The cost of credit protection on insurance firms continued to fall in early trading today, while spreads widened on eastern European sovereigns.

Portal combat

The first central clearing houses for credit default swaps were expected to start business at the beginning of December, but hold-ups in regulatory approval delayed the launch in the US. With four ventures now due to take off within months of each other…

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