Morgan Stanley

Commercial property plays

Morgan Stanley surprised many people in July 2008 when it plumped for a commercial property-based product. With lower volatility than was on offer from the FTSE 100, it made for a relatively generous offer of returns that took 65% of the starting level…

US Wrap: Providers opt for external credit

Providers were looking to independent credit agencies to issue structured products as the US structured products market hit mid-week. Both Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley teamed up with Eksportfinans to issue their latest products, which included an…

US Wrap: S&P 500 still dominates growth products

The S&P 500 continues to dominate growth products, despite the illusion of index diversity. Morgan Stanley launched a three-year leveraged participation note ahead of the weekend which linked to three indexes: the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100 and the MSCI…

Tapping the Source

Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America Merrill Lynch took a look at the exchange-traded product market, particularly in Europe, and decided that to enter as a provider they needed scale. So the three got together and created Source. Richard…

FSA bans second Morgan Stanley trader

The UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) has banned David Redmond after he put on a large unauthorised oil futures trade while on Morgan Stanley's freight desk in London in February last year.

CDSs on US financials narrow

Market sentiment towards US banks improved today, with the cost of credit protection on six of the nation's largest financial institutions falling. The move came on the same day Bank of America (BoA) was reported to have raised $7.3 billion from selling…

Marc Mourre

To celebrate its 15th anniversary, Energy Risk is talking with industry veterans who have been instrumental in shaping today's energy markets. This month Marc Mourre, managing director and vice-chairman of commodities at Morgan Stanley, talks with Stella…

Banks agree to EU CCP for clearing CDS

Nine major dealers agreed to use an EU central counterparty (CCP) for clearing trades in credit default swaps (CDSs) today, paving the way for talks to resume with the European Commission.