Foreign exchange

Limits on leverage

Dealers have rushed to hook up their foreign exchange platforms to e-brokers offering foreign exchange leverage services to Japanese consumers collectively known as ‘Mrs Watanabe’. But new rules threaten to spoil the party. How are dealers responding?…

Financial crisis hits European Energy Exchange

Trading volumes at the European Energy Exchange (EEX) have slumped in the first half of 2009 after years of continuous growth. An EEX report highlights a particular decline in power derivatives volumes traded by financial institutions, despite a boost in…

Regulator re-opens speculation debate

At the first of three hearings on possible methods to control oil price speculation today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) chairman called for serious consideration of the need for position limits in energy trading.

Regulatory turf war hits Congress

A battle for influence among US financial regulators broke out in Congress on July 24, as they testified before a Congressional committee on the merits of the Obama administration's proposals for regulatory reform.