Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives

The swaps carve-out conundrum

Section 716 of the Dodd-Frank Act will force swap dealers to hive off certain derivatives businesses into separate affiliates. But the legislation is fiendishly complicated, riddled with oversights and requires daring interpretative leaps, which has left…

The end for one-way CSAs

Sovereign derivatives users have been able to avoid posting collateral to their dealer counterparties in the past, but pending reforms to bank capital and funding rules are changing the equation. If sovereigns refuse to budge, they will have to accept…

Lufthansa wary of OTC regulations

Corporates across the globe have lobbied to ensure end-users are not subjected to new clearing requirements for derivatives. For Lufthansa’s treasury department in Frankfurt, ensuring it is able to continue to hedge its foreign exchange and interest rate…

Clearing dilemma for CCPs

Dealers have made progress towards clearing swaths of the over-the-counter derivatives market. But market participants are likely to have to clear more awkward products to satisfy regulators’ demands. Mark Pengelly investigates

Interview: CCX’s Richard Sandor on carbon emissions

The Chicago Climate Exchange’s founder, Dr Richard Sandor – who played an instrumental role in the development of spot & futures markets under the US Acid Rain Program – speaks to Pauline McCallion about the similar role environmental markets can now…

Technology and regulation change game plan for brokers

Technological developments have transformed the face of European energy broking beyond recognition. Now regulatory changes could potentially alter this landscape even further. Alex Davis and Katie Holliday speak to the major brokers about their vision…

Derivatives reform to hit energy giants

Several major energy and commodities companies such as Royal Dutch Shell and BP are to face a substantial rise in derivatives trading costs, following the adoption of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act.