Credit valuation adjustment (CVA)

DBS: Asian backlash over regulatory fragmentation

The crisis did not start in Asia, but Asian countries have been among the first to implement the resulting capital and liquidity regime – while the US and Europe have yet to move. The result is an unlevel playing field, says Elbert Pattijn, chief risk…

Cutting Edge introduction: CVA for CDSs

Counterparty risk is generally thought of at a portfolio level, but understanding how a particular payout interacts with credit and debit valuation adjustments could help banks make business decisions. Laurie Carver introduces this month’s technical…

Legal clouds hang over RWA-driven netting push

New capital requirements are making it more difficult for banks to trade with counterparties that are not covered by a netting opinion. That is spurring attempts to expand coverage, but can leave banks and lawyers on uncertain ground. By Lukas Becker

Wrong-way risk, credit and funding

The risk of exposure and counterparty default probability both increasing – so-called wrong-way risk – is usually understood in terms of the correlation between the two variables. But this approach focuses more on the centre of the distribution. This…

Chip and win: Banks expand use of GPUs

As computational demands on banks have increased, some have turned to powerful graphics processing units, but these were initially applied at the transaction pricing level. Now, they are starting to cover portfolio valuations and other enterprise-level…