European Union (EU)

Risk roulette on eurozone scenarios

The European Union and International Monetary Fund agreed a €750 billion emergency loan package in early May, aimed at averting a sovereign default and wider crisis across the eurozone. Nonetheless, banks have been preparing for the worst, stress testing…

Self-referencing CDS risk?

Ballooning credit default swap spreads on European sovereigns have encouraged some market participants to sell credit protection on their own country. But how much is this protection really worth, and could this selling contribute to systemic risk? Mark…

Third countries dominate AIFM negotiations

The question of how to deal with funds and managers based outside the European Union (EU) is proving the main dividing point in negotiations over the alternative investment fund managers (AIFM) directive.

Doing it for the Kid

If someone could create a short form document of three or four pages that could alert retail investors to the proceeds and pitfalls of a structured product, then regulators could relax, investors could do their own simple risk-reward analysis and product…