All in one -- Software rankings

Budgets are under pressure, and more and more firms are opting for a single platform provider for all their compliance software needs. Victoria Pennington looks at which companies they are turning to, and why

With so much consolidation occurring in the compliance software market over the past 12-18 months, it is no surprise to see such movement in the rankings for 2009. Despite the emphasis by regulators on the need for more robust controls and risk management for financial institutions since the financial crisis hit, budgets are still under pressure and firms have been more discerning in their choice of software provider. Looking to the longer term, financial services firms no longer want point

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Chartis RiskTech100® 2024

The latest iteration of the Chartis RiskTech100®, a comprehensive independent study of the world’s major players in risk and compliance technology, is acknowledged as the go-to for clear, accurate analysis of the risk technology marketplace. With its…

T+1: complacency before the storm?

This paper, created by WatersTechnology in association with Gresham Technologies, outlines what the move to T+1 (next-day settlement) of broker/dealer-executed trades in the US and Canadian markets means for buy-side and sell-side firms