Risk 25 firms of the future: TriOptima

Per Sjöberg, TriOptima

There is still room for big ideas in the over-the-counter derivatives market, but it’s a sign of the times that one of this year’s most creative new ventures is, essentially, an attempt to synthetically clear uncleared OTC products.

TriOptima calls the service triBalance, and it has been a hit with banks, says Per Sjöberg, TriOptima’s Stockholm-based chief executive. “We’ve been pleasantly surprised by the interest in this service,” he says. “The dealer community obviously regards rebalancing

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Credit risk & modelling – Special report 2021

This Risk special report provides an insight on the challenges facing banks in measuring and mitigating credit risk in the current environment, and the strategies they are deploying to adapt to a more stringent regulatory approach.

The wild world of credit models

The Covid-19 pandemic has induced a kind of schizophrenia in loan-loss models. When the pandemic hit, banks overprovisioned for credit losses on the assumption that the economy would head south. But when government stimulus packages put wads of cash in…