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Comprehensive technology overhaul for the world’s largest equity derivatives clearing house

In 2019, the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) launched its Renaissance Initiative to completely replace the technology for its risk management, clearing and data systems. The world’s largest equity derivatives clearing organisation has already begun to see the benefits of this work, reflected in it recently being named Clearing house of the year in the Risk Awards 2022.

In this podcast, Zoi Fletcher speaks to Scot Warren, chief operating officer at OCC, about the advances brought about by this technology overhaul.

1:07 – Opportunities for OCC to enhance its resilience and service to market participants by upgrading its securities lending infrastructure

2:15 – The benefits of adopting a cloud infrastructure for OCC's new platform

5:36 – The advantages of implementing a distributed ledger technology solution to replace the existing infrastructure

7:37 – The timeline for the next phases of the Renaissance Initiative and engagement with market participants


Access resources to help you transition to the new modular platform and keep up to date on the latest advances of the Renaissance Initiative