Fred Lantz

Frédéric Lantz

Frédéric Lantz has a DEA in Econometrics and Mathematical economics (1982) and a PhD in Economics (1984) – Université de Paris X-Nanterre. He has also received accreditation to supervise research (2004). He joined IFP School in 1991 after a first experience in research in the field of econometrics and bio-economic modeling at Ifremer, where he was part of the North Sea Working Group for the European Commission. He teaches energy economics, econometrics and operational research for energy and the environment. In parallel, his research work has involved him in the development of IFP Energies nouvelles economic modeling tools. He is in charge of the Join Master's program in Environment, Energy and Transportation Economics with University of Paris-Saclay, University of Paris Nanterre and ENPC.

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