
The problem with GRC

Boards may care more about products and profits than governance, risk and compliance (GRC). But without an effective GRC programme, the fun soon stops when trouble calls, says Michael Gibbs, chief executive of SureStep Risk + Analytics

Realising opportunities while managing conduct risk

As efforts to transition from Libor to risk-free rates ramp up, Maria Blanco and Nassim Daneshzadeh, partners in PwC’s US and UK financial services practices, discuss two critical and interconnected strategies that are front and centre for PwC clients

ESG investing: It’s not just great to be good

Investing according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria can be done in various ways, with continuing development of filters and ways of analysing companies. As the market in ESG indexes and investments linked to sustainability matures,…

Turning the IMA into a competitive advantage

Following the clarification of the FRTB rules in January 2019, financial institutions are now working towards a 2022 implementation deadline, finalising how their trading books will operate under this demanding regulation. Eoin Ó Ceallacháin, head of…

Machine learning governance

The ability of machine learning models to read great quantities of unstructured data, spot patterns and translate it into actionable information is driving a significant uptake in the technology. David Asermely, SAS MRM global lead, highlights the need…

The future of operational risk management

As the efficiency of operational risk management remains a top priority and pressure to maximise value increases, emerging technology could prove crucial. Nitish Idnani, leader of oprisk management services at Deloitte, explores how the oprisk management…

Keeping up with cloud adoption convened a webinar in collaboration with Murex to explore how, as more financial institutions move to the cloud, they can get the most out of their technology investments

Compliance preparations amid uncertain rules

A forum of industry leaders discusses how banks will define individual trading desks under FRTB, whether BCBS 239 compliance projects can help banks meet FRTB risk data challenges, which model validation obstacles banks still face and other key topics